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  • Writer's pictureBrian Harbin

6 Solar Power Myths, Debunked

With the cost of electricity soaring, there has never been a more apposite time to consider changing to a low-cost energy alternative such as solar power. Despite this, there remain arrays of solar power myths ranging from their cost, to battery storage, etc that continue to persist.

Myth #1: Bigger systems mean bigger savings

Bigger does not always mean better in regards to rooftop solar energy. A larger solar system does not necessarily ensure power bill savings as not only does a daily connection fee for the energy that is produced still have to be paid, in addition to power used at night-time, it is pointless to spend a lot of money on a higher output system if you cannot really afford to do so.

All households are different and the needs, including the likes of future power usage, should be discussed with an experienced installation team before deciding on your preferred system size.

Myth #2: Cheaper systems pay for themselves much more quickly

It may seem sensible to install a less expensive solar system, but the reality is that a low-cost system usually means less solar panels and thus lower efficiency in comparison to systems that are higher in price but also higher in quality. Those systems will generate much more power and thus save more money than a low-cost system.

The best way to invest in solar power is to choose a system that comes at a reasonable price and is installed by a reputable company.

Myth #3: Solar power will not save me money as I don’t use power in daytime

Although it is true that households that consume more power in the daytime will get the most from a solar power system, there is still baseload energy consumption for every house. The likes of fridges, appliances on standby and hot water systems all still use power during the day.

Myth #4: My roof could be damaged by installing solar panels

While accidents can happen, particularly on tiled roofs, during installation, installing solar panels should not normally cause damage when installed by a reputable firm.

Myth #5 Cold or cloudy weather means a solar power system stops working

Energy is still produced by high quality solar systems even in low light conditions such as on very cloudy days, although output may be reduced on days where there is heavy rainfall. Panels can still perform between 40 to 70% of their normal output even on partly cloudy days.

Myth #6: Solar power cannot be used at night

While it is true that solar panels do not work at night, solar batteries however still do. If a home produces excess energy during the day with their rooftop solar panels that power can be stored in a battery and then used after dark.

Even those that have a system that does not have a battery can have their excess power fed back into the electricity grid in exchange for a credit from their normal provider.

Solar power is a great way to use a cleaner energy source to power the home and lower the cost of electricity bills.

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